Weddings in English, Bilingual or Spanish
This is a special and graced time for you as you prepare to celebrate your marriage. The Church joins with you during this time and asks God’s blessings on your shared life and love.
Your wedding ceremony is a significant event celebrating the beginning of your married life together. We ask that you contact Esmeralda Herrera at the Parish Center at least 6 months in advance to allow time for preparations and to schedule a date for your wedding and rehearsal.
If you are civilly married and would like to be married in the Catholic Church, this is considered a Convalidation! Please contact me for more detailed information.
Contact:Esmeralda Herrera
503-256-3897 x104
Excerpt from
Follow the Way of Love:
A Pastoral Message of the U. S. Catholic Bishops to Families
“You Are the Church in Your Home.
Baptism brings all Christians into union with God. Your family life is sacred because family relationships confirm and deepen this union and allow the Lord to work through you. The profound and the ordinary moments of daily life (mealtimes, workdays, vacations, expressions of love and intimacy, household chores, caring for a sick child or elderly parent, and even conflicts over things like how to celebrate holidays, discipline children or spend money) all are the threads from which you can weave a pattern of holiness.Jesus promised to be where two or three are gathered in his name
(MT 18:20). We give the name “church” to the people whom the Lord gathers, who strive to follow his way of love and through whose lives his saving presence is made known.A family is our first community and most basic way in which the Lord gathers us, forms us and acts in the world. The early church expressed this truth by calling the Christian family a “domestic church” or “church of the home”.”
Nos da mucha emocion el saber que pronto vendras ante Dios a bendecir tu union. La Iglesia se une ustedes, los novios, y le pedimos a Dios que derrame su bendicion por el resto de sus vidas.
Requisitos para bodas:
1) Hacer una cita con Jenna Gutierrez para fijar la fecha de la boda.
2) Presentar: Actas de Nacimiento y Fe de Bautizo.
La copia de su Fe Bautizo tiene que tener fecha reciente.
No acepatara la Fe de Bautizo que recibieron cuando fueron bautizados.
3) Si los novios han sido casados anteriormente, ya sea por lo civil o lo religioso, tiene que aplicar para la anulacion del matrimonio.
Para mas informacion sobre las bodas en español o bilingues comunicate con Esmeralda Herrera al 503-256-3897, durante horas de oficina.