Welcome to
Ascension Catholic Church
A Center for Life in Christ
We are a unified, diverse community of imperfect people, both young and old, working at growing in faith and holiness.
We want to strive to be neighborly, welcoming, friendly, spiritual, and generous in putting our faith in action.
At the heart of all our programming and events is Christ, who became one of us to lead us to union with God and our neighbors.
If you are unable to attend Mass in person, please consider giving online and continuing to help out with your weekly offering. Please follow the link below. https://onrealm.org/ascensionpdx/give/now
You may also mail in your weekly contribution to:
Ascension Church • 743 SE 76th Ave • Portland, OR 97215
Considere donar en linea y continue ayudando con su ofrenda semanal. Por favor, haz "click" en https://onrealm.org/ascensionpdx/give/now
También puedes enviar tu contribución semanal por correo a:
Ascension Church • 743 SE 76th Ave • Portland, OR 97215